SCHRADERGROUP Completes Programming and Planning Study for Lubbock Emergency Communication District
With a specific expertise in public safety facility design, SCHRADERGROUP (SG) frequently performs programming and planning studies for project types that include mission critical and law enforcement facilities. Together with communications systems planning firm Mission Critical Partners, SG recently performed a Programming and Planning Study for Lubbock Emergency Communication District (LECD) in Lubbock, Texas. As part of the project, existing space and usage was evaluated and a thorough programming effort was conducted to determine future space needs. Site analysis and cost estimates were developed for options which included remaining in the current existing facility and expanding to meet all needs, fitting out a different existing facility, and constructing a new facility. An assessment of the best strategic location for the facility also was conducted.
Ultimately, LECD decided to pursue a new construction option and retained SG to complete the project. Presently in schematic design, the new approximately 10,750 SF facility will provide dedicated space for the LECD Backup Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP), training facilities, data center, and administrative offices.