SCHRADERGROUP Educational Planner Speaks at Hatboro-Horsham School District’s Local High School about STEAM Careers to Students
STEAM, as described on the School District’s website here, stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics. The Hatboro-Horsham Educational Foundation’s Girls’ STEAM committee is organizing several assemblies and lunch-n-learn programs to introduce girls in Keith Valley Middle School to young women pursuing STEAM-related careers.
The long-term goal of Girls STEAM is for a larger portion of our female students to take STEAM-related classes in high school, leading them to pursue STEAM majors in college and STEAM careers.
Mrs. Hoffer, along with another guest speaker, Ms. Kathleen Hohenadel, an engineer at Lockheed Martin, talked about their experiences in their male dominated industries and the opportunities now available for these girls and women to break into these industries.
You can check out some more of their insight in the engineering and architecture industries for women in this STEAM for girls in Hatboro-Horsham School District video on the Hatboro-Horsham School District YouTube channel.