SCHRADERGROUP Wishes You a Happy 2024!
In 2023, SCHRADERGROUP achieved numerous milestones, both as a group and with our clients. We’ve grown as a team, started and completed multiple projects, and become even more involved within our professional and personal communities. SCHRADERGROUP cannot succeed without the support of our friends, family, and clients, who drive us to create responsive, innovative, and sustainable projects.
SCHRADERGROUP extends our sincere gratitude to everyone for their support and partnership in 2023. We are excited about what 2024 holds, but first, we’d like to take a look back at the successes of 2023.
Check out SCHRADERGROUP’s year in review!

We’ve seen many great projects in 2023, from groundbreaking events to ribbon-cuttings! Below are a handful of the many projects we have created and contributed to this year.
Groundbreaking ceremonies are the perfect way to commemorate the first step in constructing new buildings. West Whiteland Township broke ground for its public works facility that will better serve the community. Reading School District also hosted a groundbreaking ceremony for its new STEM Academy. The school is designed to alleviate overcrowding and is set to open in August of 2025. Our most recent groundbreaking was for Phoenixville Area School District’s new elementary school in East Pikeland Township. The facility will house 700 students from grades 2-6, making it the first new elementary school in East Pikeland Township in decades.
Construction follows groundbreaking, and many of our projects have seen tremendous progress in 2023. Keith Valley Middle School has risen from the ground, with steel framework reaching new heights. West View Elementary School celebrated a topping-off milestone as the construction team installed the final steel beam on the school, signed by various community and faculty members. Great Valley School District also saw significant progress on its new 5/6 Center.
Ribbon-cutting ceremonies often celebrate the completion of construction projects. In March of this year, Ben Franklin Middle School opened its doors to students and faculty of the Bristol Township School District. SCHRADERGROUP attended the Franklin County 911 Communication Center’s ribbon-cutting in North Carolina to celebrate the new facility. Also in North Carolina, Chatham County held a ribbon-cutting for the new Emergency Operations Center in Pittsboro.
Hazleton Area School District honored three new construction projects: the Hazleton Area Academy, the Cyber Academy, and the Arts and Humanities Academy. These academies will provide additional opportunities for Hazleton students. The Athletic Community Center in the Governor Mifflin School District was the site of a ribbon-cutting event that many attended. While the School District of Philadelphia’s Anne Frank School addition and renovations project was technically completed in 2022 SCHRADERGROUP recently had professional photos taken, showcasing the beauty and innovation of the updates.

2023 presented many opportunities for SCHRADERGROUP to get involved in the
community. From conferences to social events, we were reminded of the driving force behind our success: clients and community. Below is a recap of some of the events we attended this past year.
SCHRADERGROUP had the opportunity to attend and present at several conferences, including the A4LE Northeast Regional Conference where we were honored to present our Upper Merion Area High School project. We presented the same project at EdSpaces in Portland, Oregon. We also had the opportunity to showcase the Community College of Philadelphia’s new Career and Technology Center at the SCUP Regional Conference held in Philadelphia.
SCHRADERGROUP attended the 2023 Summit for Educational Leaders, the PASBO
Facilities, Transportation, and Safety Conference, the PASA PSBA School Leadership Conference, the DVASBO 4-County Business Manager Conference, and the A4LE LearningSCAPES Conference. On the Public Safety side, we exhibited at the 2023 IACP Conference in San Diego, CA.
We participate in many alumni and college events, including Career Fairs. We were fortunate to send SCHRADERGROUP members to several of their alma mater career fairs to recruit new faces. We strongly believe in mentorship, so we are always eager to onboard new interns from those events.

SCHRADERGROUP has received many honors throughout the year. Learning by Design featured the Upper Merion Area High School project on the cover of the Spring 2023 issue. Learning by Design’s Fall 2023 Awards of Excellence magazine named Keith Valley Middle School an Outstanding Project.
March of Dimes awarded PennDOT’s Regional Traffic Management Center its Alternative Delivery Project of the Year for its exceptional, unified flow during the design and construction process. The project also won an award from the Associated Builders and Contractors Eastern Pennsylvania Chapter for the Excellence in Construction awards with Heim Construction. We at SCHRADERGROUP are grateful to have received this notoriety and support from the community that motivates us to keep creating highly respected projects.
Building Design + Construction also ranked their Giants 400, where SCHRADERGROUP ranked in several categories, including Top Architecture Engineering Firms. Toward the end of the year, AIA Pennsylvania recognized SCHRADERGROUP as an EPiC firm for the second year in a row, highlighting firms that strive to support emerging professionals. We sincerely thank these organizations for their recognition throughout this year.

SCHRADERGROUP has seen tremendous growth this year. We have welcomed many new faces and officially opened a larger regional office in Pittsburgh, PA. New members of the SG team include:
David Long, Project Architect
Kate McKenna, Architectural Designer
Craig Lucas, Project Architect
Colleen Deluca, Senior Interior Designer
Wiley Muck, Architectural Designer
Samantha Yaros, Architectural Designer
Sabrina Gonzalez, Interior Designer
Caitlyn Keomanyvong, Marketing Assistant
Thomas Wippenbeck, Regional Manager (Pittsburgh)
Doug Perry, Project Manager
Matt Wittemann, Principal of Sales and Marketing
Lauren Wilke, Marketing and Proposal Coordinator
Additionally, we have recognized and promoted several individuals based on their hard work and dedication. They include:
Harry Pettoni, Partner
Tom Forsberg, Partner
Devin Bradbury, Principal
Charlotte Stoudt, Associate
Eric Weiss, Associate
During the summer months, we worked alongside committed interns participating in our mentorship program. They included:
Wiley Muck, Temple University
Isaac Buxton, Philadelphia University
Allyson Everlof, Pennsylvania State University
Josh Pontell, Pennsylvania State University
Gianna DeLorenzo, Thomas Jefferson University
This past year has been great for us, our clients, and the community at large. We are very optimistic about 2024. SCHRADERGROUP is excited about a number of our projects, both in design and under construction. The new year will bring more conferences, fundraisers, and community events, providing opportunities to connect with our clients, friends, and colleagues. 2024 will bring even more internal expansion to SCHRADERGROUP through new hires. SCHRADERGROUP will continue to foster the relationships we have built over the years with our friends, families, clients, and colleagues. We could not do what we do without everyone’s support!
Have a safe, happy, and healthy 2024!
From all of us at: