Tag: a4le
SCHRADERGROUP Managing Partner David Schrader Receives the A4LE Lifetime Achievement Award!
The SCHRADERGROUP (SG) team is proud to announce that the Association for Learning Environments (A4LE) has awarded the 2022 A4LE Lifetime Achievement Award to SG Managing Partner David Schrader!
The Lifetime Achievement Award is the most distinguished professional award bestowed to an A4LE member. This award is intended to honor an individual who has distinguished him or herself by making significant lasting contributions to the educational facility planning industry throughout their career.

David was nominated for the award by Larry Levato, immediate Past President of A4LE’s Northeast Region. His nomination was based on his extensive career of engaging clients and communities in the development of next generation learning spaces, for leading the Association for Learning Environments at each stage of his career, for inspiring a design team in the mid-Atlantic region to create academic environments that support future educational initiatives, and for involving students in the formation of their future learning environments.

David received this prestigious award at the 2022 LearningSCAPES Conference in San Antonio, Texas in October. Winners of this award receive a special insignia lapel pin and extensive news media coverage focused on the educational facility planning and construction industry.
To learn more about A4LE, please click here.
To learn more about SG, our team, and the work we do, please click here.
SCHRADERGROUP Attends A4LE Northeast’s 2022 Annual Regional Conference
SCHRADERGROUP (SG) recently attended the annual Association for Learning Environments (A4LE) 2022 Northeast Region Conference from April 6th to the 9th in Washington, D.C.

The conference was held at the Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill and was attended by SG Managing Partner David Schrader, Principal Harry Pettoni, Associate Danielle Hoffer, Interior Designer Charlotte Stoudt, and Project Architect Christopher Farmer.
In addition to our firm’s presence at this great event, SG’s own David Schrader and Danie Hoffer presented a special session along with the School District of Springfield Township’s (SDST) Director of Student Affairs, Dr. Catherine Van Vooren.

The session, titled “Enhanced Critical Thinking – For 5 Year Olds?” profiled how SDST and the community worked together to inspire the design of a new K-2 early learning center: the Enfield Elementary School located in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. The session dove into how SG’s community-based workshop process and the resulting school design promotes critical thinking, student movement, collaboration, socialization, and communication through the principles of project-based learning for these very young and influential minds.

The theme for this year’s conference was “Blossoming Minds… A Time for Renewal and Optimism.” The event gathered school facility managers, architects, educators, school planners, engineers, and maintenance and industry experts to share in new conversations about the need for adapting our learning environments to new levels of mindfulness, as well as personalized comfort found in equality, inclusion, and the community. The conference focused on a strong understanding of the student experience and how designing with empathy allows for school planning to be driven by a focus on the future of learning, while still supporting capital needs, growth, and other logistical considerations of school systems.
The SG team would like to thank the dedicated staff of A4LE for organizing this great event and to all who attended our session, and we look forward to attending another A4LE conference very soon!
The Association for Learning Environments (A4LE) is a professional non-profit association dedicated to improving the places where children learn. The A4LE Northeast Region consists of Chapters that service the Northeast Region of the United States as well as nearby Canadian Provinces. To learn more about the A4LE Northeast Region, please click here.
To learn more about SCHRADERGROUP’s commitment to design for education, please click here.

SCHRADERGROUP to Speak at A4LE’s Northeast Conference!
SCHRADERGROUP (SG) is thrilled to announce that the team will be presenting at this year’s A4LE Northeast 2022 Annual Regional Conference! SG Managing Partner David Schrader and Associate Danie Hoffer will be presenting alongside the School District of Springfield Township (SDST) Director of Student Services, Dr. Catherine Van Vooren.
Please join us on April 7th at 10am at the Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill in Washington DC to hear this exciting session and to say hello!
The session, “Enhanced Critical Thinking – For 5 Year Olds?”, will profile how a community and school district worked together to inspire the design of a new K-2 early learning center: the Enfield Elementary School located in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. The session will delve into how the community-based workshop process and the resulting school design promotes critical thinking, student movement, collaboration, socialization, and communication through the principals of project-based learning for these very young and influential minds.
The overarching theme of this year’s conference, “Blossoming Minds… A Time for Renewal and Optimism,” will gather school facility managers, architects, educators, school planners, engineers, and maintenance and industry experts to share new conversations in the need for adapting our learning environments to new levels of mindfulness, as well as personalized comfort found in equality, inclusion, and the community. The conference will focus on a strong understanding of the student experience and how designing with empathy allows for school planning to be driven by a focus on the future of learning, while still supporting capital needs, growth, and other logistical considerations of school systems. The conference will run from April 6th to April 9th.
The Association for Learning Environments (A4LE) is a professional non-profit association dedicated to improving the places where children learn. The A4LE Northeast Region consists of Chapters that service the Northeast Region of the United States as well as nearby Canadian Provinces. To learn more about A4LE’s Northeast 2022 Annual Regional Conference and to register for this great event, please click here.
To learn more about SG’s speaking session with the SDST at the A4LE Northeast 2022 Annual Regional Conference, please click here.
To learn more about SCHRADERGROUP’s commitment to design for education, please click here.

SCHRADERGROUP Principal Named President of A4LE’s Chesapeake Bay/Delaware Valley Chapter
SCHRADERGROUP is pleased to announce that the Association for Learning Environments (A4LE) has named SG Principal Harry Pettoni as President of the Chesapeake Bay/Delaware Valley Chapter. As president, Harry will lead the chapter that encompasses a portion of the Middle Atlantic surrounding the Chesapeake Bay and Delaware Valley, including the areas of Washington D.C., Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware. His duties will include presiding over all board meetings, directing activities of the chapter, appointing committees to conduct chapter business, and attending regional and international conferences. Harry will be serving for a three-year term. Congratulation Harry!
The Chesapeake Bay/Delaware Valley Chapter is a non-profit organization made up of individuals whose professional activities involve a responsibility of planning, designing, constructing, equipping, administering, and/or maintaining the physical environment of education. The chapter seeks to further the goals of education by providing services, activities, and knowledge related to the development of superior educational facilities. The purpose of this chapter is to assist A4LE and the region implement their programs, to serve as a vehicle for the local activities of A4LE, and to provide a forum for members of the chapter to meet and discuss matters of common interest and concern.
As an active member of A4LE since 1999 and a member of the Chesapeake Bay/Delaware Valley Chapter since its inception in 2013, Harry has been a long standing and active member of the organization. He served as the Northeast Region’s Secretary/Treasurer for four years prior to the formation of the Chesapeake Bay/Delaware Valley Chapter and has been involved in several committees and conference planning events throughout the region.
Harry’s goals as Chapter President includes collaborating with K-12 administrators, educators, and industry partners to provide educational planning opportunities and awareness that best serves the needs of students and the community within the chapter and region. He hopes to provide leadership, support, and resources for the implementation of anti-bias and anti-racist policies, practices, and behaviors in the planning of our educational institutions.
To learn more about the Chesapeake Bay/Delaware Valley Chapter of A4LE, click here.
To learn more about SG and the work that we do supporting academic facilities in the Northeast Region, click here.
SCHRADERGROUP Attends the A4LE LearningSCAPES 2021 Conference in Denver, Colorado
Members of the SCHRADERGROUP (SG) team recently traveled to Denver, Colorado to attend the annual Association for Leaning Environments (A4LE) LearningSCAPES Conference from October 14th to the 17th at the Colorado Convention Center.
For decades, the LearningSCAPES conference has allowed educators, policymakers, planners, and design professionals from across the globe to experience the cutting edge of new educational design. The conference offers world-class educational sessions and inspiring keynote speakers who dive into best practices for creating effective learning environments for future generations.
Themes explored during the conference included the recent disruptive forces surrounding the global pandemic, social injustice, and economic stresses that have made the need for holistic and radical change more visible.

This year’s conference explored the idea of “Disruptive Optimism” and delved into the disruptive forces at play around the world, the positive opportunities they represent, and the actions we must take to create an optimistic and more effective future. The conference allowed members from around the world to converse about educational visions, connect through experiences and discoveries, and exchange expertise about next generation learning environments and their evolving needs.
The first day of the conference included six tours of various Pre-K to Higher Education schools and facilities in the areas surrounding Denver. Each facility offered attendees the chance to experience the latest and greatest in educational facility design. We would like to thank Boulder Valley School District, the University of Colorado Boulder, the University of Denver, Cherry Creek School District, Douglas County School District, and Littleton Public Schools for welcoming us into their wonderful schools and facilities!

Information sessions included presentations such as “Social/Emotional Learning through Curriculum and School Design,” “Designing Schools for Parental Engagement,” and “Engineering the Future Leaders of Our Community,” just to name a few.
Established in 1921, A4LE is a non-profit association whose sole mission is improving the places where children learn. They believe that facilities impact the learning, development, and behavior of the user, the planning process is essential for quality facilities, sharing and networking improves the planning process, and that there is a standard by which to measure this success.
SCHRADERGROUP exhibited the new Upper Merion Area High School project in the exhibition hall during the conference. The team is proud to have had this opportunity to showcase this project amongst the other incredible work on display.

SCHRADERGROUP was also proud to be a Pewter Sponsor for the conference and is always happy to support a great organization like A4LE. We are, and have been, proud sponsors of A4LE’s great annual expositions. To learn more about A4LE, click here. To learn more about the LearningSCAPES Conference, click here.
To learn more about SCHRADERGROUP’s commitment to creating 21st Century learning environments, click here.