Tag: annual conference

SCHRADERGROUP to Speak at PASBO’s 2022 Annual Conference!

We are excited to announce that the SCHRADERGROUP (SG) team will be speaking and exhibiting at this year’s 67th PASBO Annual Conference & Exhibits in Hershey, PA from March 8th to the 11th in the Hershey Lodge. Stop by Booth 410 this year to say hello and meet the team!

SG is thrilled to attend this great event in person after last year’s conference was held virtually. We are even more excited to announce that the SG team will be partnering with previous clients and consultants to bring you a special panel this year: “SCHOOL OF THE FUTURE: The Next Generation of Safety and Security, HVAC and Virus Mitigation.” This panel discussion will be on Wednesday, March 9th from 10:45am – 11:45am. We hope to see you there!

“School districts are continually advancing the level of internal transparency and are including more unique and dynamic learning environments as they seek to adjust to changing learning styles and the increased use of technology.  Solutions required to respond to the recent pandemic have only exacerbated the challenges of delivering a higher caliber of education to the learner.  In response to these issues, school districts have had to evolve their thinking in terms of; safety, security, HVAC and virus mitigation.

Historic threats to schools have created the need to implement safety and security protocol and systems but now, for the first time in 100 years, we have encountered a health pandemic which became another threat to our students, faculty, staff, and community.  These compounded concerns create dynamic needs for school districts.  Threat assessments, emergency planning and ultimately implementation of protocols are critical to procedures going forward.  But further, those threats have modified the systems in buildings. It is critical that these become an underlying part of our process and systems so that all members of society can enjoy learning and community-based activities without actively feeling those threats. 

This panel is intended to discuss and debate these topics and to reveal some of the next generation thinking relative to these topics.”

More information on this special panel, as well as information about attending the conference, can be found here.

The Pennsylvania Association of School Business Officials (PASBO) is a statewide association with 3,000 members. They are devoted to providing their supporters with education, training, professional development, and timely access to legislative and policy news. Their membership base covers school professionals working in finance, accounting, operations, facilities, transportation, food service, technology, communications, human resources, purchasing, and safety services. While diverse in areas of specialty, all members share a common goal – to support classroom learning in schools during good and bad economic times through smart business practices. PASBO helps make that goal a reality.

Each year, PASBO provides an opportunity for school business officials to listen to keynote speaker presentations and attend information workshops that provide members with the opportunity to network with their peers. PASBO provides its members with the education, training, and professional development, as well as the timely access to legislative and policy news, needed to support this goal of developing and supporting leaders in school business operations.

Learn more about registering for the PASBO conference here.


2019 IACP Recap: SCHRADERGROUP Attends World’s Largest Law Enforcement Event

SCHRADERGROUP (SG) attended the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) 2019 Annual Conference and Exposition on October 26-29. The event was held in Chicago, Illinois.

The IACP conference is the world’s largest law enforcement event to take place each year. SG is an active member of IACP and regularly attends the annual conference. This year, SG team members Harry Pettoni and Larry Bickford exhibited at the Expo. They met new clients, connected with existing clients and interacted with many Chiefs of Police. The SG team discussed current facility needs with clients and arranged follow-up meetings.

The SG team attended educational sessions supporting the planning, design and construction process of police facilities. Speakers presented information about the impact of technology on law enforcement agencies as wells as the future challenges police & law enforcement agencies may encounter. The SG team discovered new techniques of leveraging technology to enhance public safety in neighborhoods and schools.

The IACP has issued an updated 2019 Police Facilities Planning Guidelines Book that defines current strategies in the design and construction process of public safety facilities. By attending the conference, SG maintains our knowledge base to aid clients for ongoing success.

Be sure to visit SG at the IACP 2020 Annual conference, to be held on October 18-20, 2020 in New Orleans, LA. For more information about IACP 2020, click here.

Learn more about SG’s public safety facilities, planning and design services here.

See IACP’s “Wrap-Up” of the 2019 conference here.