Tag: Chester
SCHRADERGROUP Attends the DVASBO Four County Business Managers Conference at Sky Top Lodge
School district business managers, representing the four counties of Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery, held their annual conference at the Sky Top Lodge from October 4-6, 2023.

At the DVASBO Four County Conference, SCHRADERGROUP (SG) sponsored one of the evening events and spoke at one of the morning sessions. David Schrader and Danielle Hoffer presented “Life after PlanCon,” which outlined the evolution of the role of the public school architect since the 2016 Pennsylvania Commonwealth moratorium on school construction funding.
The session highlighted the changes in the processes and types of projects districts conducted under the PlanCon process, compared to those initiated since the 2016 moratorium. As a result of reduced school funding, elimination of construction reimbursement by the Commonwealth, and the higher likelihood of being faced with a referendum for major construction projects, SG reviewed a variety of case studies, procurement methodologies, and resources the team has utilized to continue to maintain and upgrade district assets.
The SG team is grateful for this opportunity to share our experiences with our school district colleagues.
To see some of SG’s K-12 Projects, please click here.
SCHRADERGROUP Attends 35th Annual DVASBO Trade Show
SCHRADERGROUP (SG) recently attended the Delaware Valley Association of School Board Officials (DVASBO)’s 35th Annual Trade Show on Wednesday, November 10 at the Greater Philadelphia Expo Center in Oaks, PA.
SG was proud to attend and exhibit at this conference once again. It was great to see so many friendly and familiar faces this year after last year’s trade show was cancelled due to the pandemic. SG was proud to assist in DVASBO’s mission of developing and supporting leaders in school business operations for the counties of Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery.

The Trade Show was attended by Managing Partner David Schrader, Principal Harry Pettoni, and Associate Danielle Hoffer. The day included prize drawings, exhibition space, and breakfast and lunch.
It was great to be at a trade show again and to physically see everyone and talk to people face-to-face. We had a ton of fun connecting with school business officials after the hiatus last year and we look forward to attending again next year!
DVASBO is a regional chapter of the Pennsylvania Association of School Business Officials (PASBO). For nearly five decades, DVASBO has been supporting school professionals in Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery counties. The organization currently has over 1,000 members and are devoted to providing members with education, training, professional development, and timely access to legislative and policy news. The SG team would like to thank the DVASBO staff for organizing this trade show. To learn more about DVASBO, click here.
To learn more about SCHRADERGRPOUP’s commitment to educational facilities, click here.