Tag: Elementary School

SCHRADERGROUP Shares Virtual Reality Technology with Hatboro-Horsham Students at the “When I Grow Up” 2018 Career Expo

SCHRADERGROUP  (SG) Project Architects Danielle V. Hoffer and Devin Bradbury attended the Hatboro-Horsham School District’s first annual “When I Grow Up” 2018 K-12 Career Expo at Hallowell Elementary School. Attended by 50 vendors and professionals from around the region, this career exploration experience offered students and families hands-on activities related to dozens of careers to help them think, discuss and explore new ideas about potential career paths. As the Architects for the new Hatboro-Horsham School District’s Crooked Billet Elementary School, SG shared Virtual Reality (VR) technology, supported by Oculus and Revit 3d modeling, to “walk” the participants through the building design. To experience the design in a virtual spatial context not only provided the students an understanding of architecture using a medium that they were familiar with, but it also opened up a dialog with the students and families considering architecture and/or engineering as a future career.

You can read more about Crooked Billet project and see a rendering of it here.

Check out more about the Career Expo here or watch the video covering the Career Expo by Hatboro-Horsham School District.

SCHRADERGROUP Architect speaks at Upper Merion Area School District Classroom about Accessibility for All

The SCHRADERGROUP (SG) team recognizes that a part of our mission is to inspire and encourage the future generation of students, not just through the facilities we design, but by being a part of their education in the classroom.

Recently, Project Architect, Dan D’Amico, AIA, had the opportunity to visit with the 3rd grade class at Roberts Elementary School in the Upper Merion Area School District (UMASD). SCHRADERGROUP recently designed and currently has in construction two new elementary schools for UMASD, Caley Elementary School and Gulph Elementary School.

Mr. D’Amico assembled a presentation, “Architecture for Everyone” that highlighted the different challenges and design criteria architects encounter in order to make buildings accessible for everyone. He discussed how architecture has evolved over the years to include different standards that help make buildings accessible to different people. As part of this experience, students provided creative observations about ways architects can design buildings to help serve the people that use them.

After the presentation, a few volunteer students were asked to participate in activities that helped to illustrate the different struggles some people face that others take for granted. These activities allowed the students to experience why reach ranges, grab bars and other standards outlined by ADA are important for architects to follow. Afterwards, the 3rd grade students were inspired to “design” their own dream schools that were accessible to all learners.

The SCHRADERGROUP team will continue to contribute to the communities we serve—not only through dynamic design—but also teaching opportunities like these!