Tag: Lifetime Achievement Award
SCHRADERGROUP Managing Partner David Schrader Receives the A4LE Lifetime Achievement Award!
The SCHRADERGROUP (SG) team is proud to announce that the Association for Learning Environments (A4LE) has awarded the 2022 A4LE Lifetime Achievement Award to SG Managing Partner David Schrader!
The Lifetime Achievement Award is the most distinguished professional award bestowed to an A4LE member. This award is intended to honor an individual who has distinguished him or herself by making significant lasting contributions to the educational facility planning industry throughout their career.

David was nominated for the award by Larry Levato, immediate Past President of A4LE’s Northeast Region. His nomination was based on his extensive career of engaging clients and communities in the development of next generation learning spaces, for leading the Association for Learning Environments at each stage of his career, for inspiring a design team in the mid-Atlantic region to create academic environments that support future educational initiatives, and for involving students in the formation of their future learning environments.

David received this prestigious award at the 2022 LearningSCAPES Conference in San Antonio, Texas in October. Winners of this award receive a special insignia lapel pin and extensive news media coverage focused on the educational facility planning and construction industry.
To learn more about A4LE, please click here.
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