Tag: public safety facility
SCHRADERGROUP Attends the 2022 IACP Annual Conference and Exposition!
The SCHRADERGROUP team attended and exhibited at the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) Annual Conference and Exposition this year from October 15th to the 18th at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in Dallas, Texas.

SG Principals Tom Forsberg and Harry Pettoni represented SCHRADERGROUP at the bustling conference. While there, the team attended educational sessions supporting the planning, design, and construction process of police facilities. Speakers presented information about the impact of technology on law enforcement agencies as wells as the future challenges police & law enforcement agencies may encounter. The SG team discovered new techniques of leveraging technology to enhance public safety in neighborhoods and schools.

The IACP is the world’s largest and most influential professional association for police leaders. With more than 32,000 members in over 170 countries, the IACP is a recognized leader in global policing, committed to advancing safer communities through thoughtful, progressive police leadership. Since 1893, the association has been serving communities worldwide by speaking out on behalf of law enforcement and advancing leadership and professionalism in policing worldwide.

The IACP Annual Conference is the largest and most important law enforcement event of the year, with more than 16,000 public safety professionals attending to learn new techniques, advance their knowledge and careers, and equip their department for ongoing success. The conference focuses on the three tenants of training, networking, and exposition hall education, with more than 175 workshops offered each year on a variety of topics important to the profession.

Learn more about SCHRADERGROUP’s public safety and mission critical facility work here.
Learn more about IACP Annual Conference here.
Franklin County, NC Breaks Ground on New E911 Communications Center
SCHRADERGROUP (SG) attended the official ceremonial groundbreaking for the new 911 Primary Public Safety Answering Point Facility on Wednesday, April 6th, 2022, in Louisburg, North Carolina. Principal Harry Pettoni represented SG at the event that was attended by the County Commissioners, County Manager, NC911 Board Executive Director, and County 911 Director.

The 911 Primary Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) Facility will consist of a 6,000 SF communications center on a four-acre site adjacent to the existing Franklin County Sheriff’s facility, communication towers, and storage facilities. Sitework will include new stormwater system, sanitary sewer system, water lines, and electrical service to the building. New sidewalks, driveways, and parking lots will also be provided.

The non-hardened portion of the building will be structural steel framed on steel deck while the floor will consist of slab on grade concrete with conventional concrete spread footings. The hardened portion of the building will consist of a reinforced concrete masonry wall system. The roof structure will consist of structural steel framed with concrete slab on composite steel deck with PVC roofing systems. The exterior façade will be a mixture of brick, pre-cast concrete, cementitious panels, aluminum windows, storefront, and curtainwall systems.

This project is funded through a grant funding award from the North Carolina 911 Board. SG provided the programming, schematic design, design development, construction administration, and permitting documents for this new facility.
The facility is scheduled to open in December 2022.
If you would like to learn more about Franklin County, click here.
To learn more about SG’s work in the Public Safety Sector, please click here.
SCHRADERGROUP Welcomes The New Public Safety Market Segment Leader!
SCHRADERGROUP (SG) Welcomes our new Public Safety Market Segment Leader, Timothy Lisle, AIA.
Mr. Lisle joins the SG team with a history of directing mission-critical practice. His work has included the programming, planning and design of a wide range of public safety facilities for government and corporate clients across the United States. Tim regularly speaks at national conferences and has published multiple columns in mission-critical and law enforcement journals.
Mr. Lisle holds a Bachelor’s degree in both Architecture and Science and is a registered architect in six states. He is an affiliate of the AIA, PSAP Design, NENA, Lower Merion Township Uniform Construction Code Appeals Board and is also a visiting architectural critic at both Drexel University and Temple University.
Mr. Lisle’s expertise, extensive experience and 35 years of practice in this field make him a valuable leader for SG’s public safety design team. Please join us in welcoming Tim Lisle to our Public Safety Leadership.
Interested in joining the SG team? Check out what opportunities are available at SG for you here.
SCHRADERGROUP Opens A New Regional Office!
SCHRADERGROUP (SG) is expanding! The team is proud to announce that we have opened a new office location in Raleigh, North Carolina which benefits both existing and future SG projects. We are thrilled to situate ourselves in a region that we have been committed to.
Since the founding of the firm in 2004, SG remains dedicated to public safety and academic facility design. With existing offices in Philadelphia, Lancaster and Baltimore, the SG team looks forward to continuing our long-standing relationships and welcoming new opportunities in North Carolina.

2019 IACP Recap: SCHRADERGROUP Attends World’s Largest Law Enforcement Event
SCHRADERGROUP (SG) attended the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) 2019 Annual Conference and Exposition on October 26-29. The event was held in Chicago, Illinois.
The IACP conference is the world’s largest law enforcement event to take place each year. SG is an active member of IACP and regularly attends the annual conference. This year, SG team members Harry Pettoni and Larry Bickford exhibited at the Expo. They met new clients, connected with existing clients and interacted with many Chiefs of Police. The SG team discussed current facility needs with clients and arranged follow-up meetings.
The SG team attended educational sessions supporting the planning, design and construction process of police facilities. Speakers presented information about the impact of technology on law enforcement agencies as wells as the future challenges police & law enforcement agencies may encounter. The SG team discovered new techniques of leveraging technology to enhance public safety in neighborhoods and schools.
The IACP has issued an updated 2019 Police Facilities Planning Guidelines Book that defines current strategies in the design and construction process of public safety facilities. By attending the conference, SG maintains our knowledge base to aid clients for ongoing success.
Be sure to visit SG at the IACP 2020 Annual conference, to be held on October 18-20, 2020 in New Orleans, LA. For more information about IACP 2020, click here.
Learn more about SG’s public safety facilities, planning and design services here.
See IACP’s “Wrap-Up” of the 2019 conference here.