Tag: Golf
SCHRADERGROUP Attends North Penn School District Educational Foundation’s 21st Annual Golf Classic
SCHRADERGROUP (SG) attended the North Penn School District (NPSD) Educational Foundation’s 21st Annual Golf Classic hosted at the Talamore Country Club in Ambler, PA on Tuesday, October 11th. The outing helped raise charitable funds for the foundation while participants enjoyed a day on the course with lunch and beverages.
SG was happy to return and proud to be a sponsor for this great event that raises money to provide innovative classroom grants to enhance the educational experience for NPSD students.
The SG team was represented by Devin Bradbury and Eric Weiss. The team was honored to support an organization that’s committed to enriching the education and lives of more than 13,000 students in each of the North Penn School District’s eighteen schools.
As educational planners and architects, SG is committed to providing educational facilities that further enrich the learning experience. The success of these events and the continued work of the foundation provides the opportunity to introduce students to new curriculum and innovations in education that provide the buildings we with design an exciting purpose.
The SG team would like to thank the dedicated members of the NPSD Educational Foundation for organizing this wonderful event. As an example of this funding in action, the North Penn High School will be the first high school in North America that will provide students with a new spatial computing program that will give students a unique opportunity to learn how to design, develop, and publish Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) applications. To learn more about the North Penn School District Educational Foundation, click here.
To learn more about SCHRADERGROUP’s work with K-12 school districts, click here.

SCHRADERGROUP Attends Delaware Valley Association of School Business Officials’ Annual Golf Outing!
SCHRADERGROUP (SG) recently attended the DVASBO Golf Outing at the Gilbertsville Golf Course on Friday, June 17th in Gilbertsville, PA. The Delaware Valley Association of School Business Officials (DVASBO) has held this outing for 32 consecutive years to help raise money for scholarships for Delaware Valley students.
DVASBO is the regional chapter of the Pennsylvania Association of School Business Officials (PASBO). For nearly five decades, DVASBO has been supporting school professionals in Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery counties. The organization currently has over 1,000 members and they are devoted to providing members with education, training, professional development, and timely access to legislative and policy news.

SG Principals Bruce Bachtle and Tom Forsberg were joined by Project Managers and Associates Devin Bradbury and Dan D’Amico. The SG team would like to extend our sincere thanks to the dedicated members of DVASBO for organizing this event held for a great cause.
To learn more about SCHRADERGROUP’s commitment to educational facilities, click here.
To learn more about the Delaware Valley Association of School Business Officials, click here.

THANK YOU to the SCHRADERGROUP 2022 Summer Architectural Interns!
It has been quite a busy summer at SCHRADERGROUP (SG), and we cannot believe how fast time has flown by! We would like to thank our three architectural interns for their hard work and enthusiasm this summer. It is always great to welcome fresh faces to the firm, especially those still in school and looking to learn a bit more about our world! Thank you to Wiley Muck, Miranda Ocampo, and Allyson Everlof for all of your help this summer! We wish you the best in your future studies and professions!
Before they head back to school, the SG family would like highlight each of our great interns:
Wiley Muck
Graduate Student
Temple University – Bachelor of Architecture, currently pursuing Master of Architecture Degree
Wiley will be a 5th year architecture student at Temple University pursuing his Master of Architecture degree. He is the Vice President of the Club Golf team, which he started at Temple along with another architecture student. Wiley enjoys hiking, being outdoors, and can always be found listening to music during his daily activities.
Wiley’s interest in architecture began when he was young. He enjoyed playing with Legos and sketching, and as he got older, he realized that architecture was a perfect fit for him. Wiley has worked on many projects during his short time at SG, with his favorite being continuous work on a master plan for a local school district.
In the future, Wiley looks forward to one day walking or driving past a building that he designed. This is a feeling that he is looking forward to and will be a significant milestone in his future career.
Miranda Ocampo
Undergraduate Student
Pennsylvania State University – Bachelor of Architecture
Miranda will be a 4th year architecture student at Pennsylvania State University. She is the Arts Chairman of the Zeta Tau Alpha Sorority and is also an Ambassador and Mentor for the College of Arts and Architecture. In her free time, Miranda enjoys traveling, painting, and spending time with friends.
Her favorite moment at SG was learning and working alongside so many amazing individuals. She is very appreciative of the mentorship opportunities offered here and came away from her internship with more knowledge of what life after architecture school is really like. Miranda’s favorite project she worked on was a renovation/conversion project for Bucks County Intermediate Unit’s Everitt Elementary School. This project entailed transforming an unused kitchen into a family consumer science classroom so that children with special needs can learn how to do laundry, make certain meals, and wash dishes.
Looking to the future, Miranda hopes to continuously make positive impacts on peoples’ lives through architecture. Her experiences this summer have shown her the many ways that educational architecture can have major impacts on the community.
Allyson Everlof
Undergraduate Student
Pennsylvania State University – Bachelor of Architecture
Ally will be a 4th year architecture student at Pennsylvania State University. She is a Student Representative for the College of Arts and Architecture and is also a member of Delta Gamma Sorority. Ally enjoys taking nature walks, exploring new cities and environments, reading, or simply doing anything artistic or creative. In her free time, she sketches, paints, and makes her own jewelry.
Ally first got interested in architecture when she was young. She always admired beautiful homes and large buildings, and she is very excited to be a part of creating these spaces! Ally has thoroughly enjoyed her time at SG this summer. Her favorite project was a concept development for an auditorium for a nearby school district. She enjoyed getting the opportunity to add some of her own design elements into the concept. Ally’s favorite moment this summer was SG’s Second Annual Golf Outing at Walnut Lane Golf Club.
Looking to the future, Ally is excited for her semester abroad. She will be in studying architecture in Rome for a few months before traveling across Europe’s beautiful landscapes and cities. She hopes to learn even more about the unique styles and techniques of the continent’s architecture.

SCHRADERGROUP’s Managing Partner David Schrader had the following to say about our great summer interns:
“Wiley, Miranda, and Allyson have been stellar additions to the team this summer. We are sorry to see them go! The team at SCHRADERGROUP believes that we are at our best when we can share our experiences with the next generation. Our internship program is central to what we do and allows us to flourish through the enthusiasm added by our interns. We hope that they are also growing through the real-world office and construction site experiences they are able to participate in. We wish the summer 2022 class of interns well and as always; we look forward to seeing them again in the future. They are always welcome back to the offices of SCHRADERGROUP!”

As architects, we realize that the heart of our practice is its people, and we are always looking for ways to promote and foster emerging talent. At SG, we recognize the importance of an internship in the field of architecture and design, and we offer hands-on experience as well as a mentorship component in order to create an environment that leads to understanding and success for all. The SG team looks forward to sharing our company culture and practice with our architectural interns and is excited to follow their journey this summer as they gain the experience necessary for future success.
Thank you so much to Wiley, Miranda, and Ally for your dedication, work ethic, and fresh perspectives offered during your time at SG this summer. We wish you the best in the remainder of your studies and hope to hear of your future successes soon!
Interested in working with us? Visit our Careers page to see what opportunities are available at SG here.
SCHRADERGROUP Attends the PARSS Conference in Boalsburg, PA
SCHRADERGROUP (SG) attended the Pennsylvania Association of Rural and Small Schools (PARSS) Conference from May 4th to the 6th at the Wyndham Garden Hotel at the Mountain View Country Club in Boalsburg, PA.
The 2022 Conference was the first that SG has attended. SG team members Devin Bradbury and Eric Weiss represented SG at the event that included a golf tournament, a social, a dinner banquet, and various speaking engagements and presentations. It was great to see some familiar faces and to create new relationships.
The Pennsylvania Association of Rural and Small Schools (PARSS) is an advocacy and service organization dedicated to ensuring that the Commonwealth’s rural school students have access to a quality education. It is PARSS’s mission to promote equal opportunity for quality education for all students in every school and community in Pennsylvania.
Thank you to the PARSS Conference for having us and we look forward to returning next year! To learn more about PARSS, please click here.
To learn more about SCHRADERGROUP’s commitment to creating 21st Century learning environments, click here.
SCHRADERGROUP Sponsors and Attends the 22nd Annual MCIUEF Golf Classic
SCHRADERGROUP (SG) attended the Montgomery County Intermediate Unit Education Foundation (MCIUEF)’s twenty-second annual Golf Classic hosted at the Brookside Country Club in Pottstown, PA on May 9th. The event raised funds to enhance and support educational opportunities for the students of Montgomery County, PA.
SG was proud to be a sponsor for this event. SG team members Harry Pettoni and Devin Bradbury represented SG at the outing that included some well-known faces of the Intermediate Unit.
The MCIUEF celebrated its 22nd year of providing camp and post-secondary scholarships for students with special needs, enriching classroom programs with technology support, and enabling student programs beyond school district budget capabilities. This includes more than $550,000 in grants and scholarships awarded over the last 22 years.
Events like these are important to the success of a community and its students, as it allows the MCIUEF to support programs that continue to attract nearly 7,000 students each year. SG would like to thank the dedicated members of the foundation for organizing this fun event.
Learn more about SCHRADERGROUP’s work with Montgomery County Intermediate Unit and other School Districts in the region here.
Learn more about the Montgomery County Intermediate Unit Education Foundation here.

SCHRADERGROUP Sponsors and Attends the 21st Annual MCIUEF Golf Classic
SCHRADERGROUP (SG) recently attended the Montgomery County Intermediate Unit Education Foundation (MCIUEF)’s twenty-first annual Golf Classic hosted at the Brookside Country Club in Pottstown, PA on July 26th. The event raised funds to enhance and support educational opportunities for students of Montgomery County, PA.

SG was proud to be a Hole Patron Sponsor for this event. The team was happy to attend the event with some well-known faces of the Intermediate Unit. In addition to a great day of golf, the event included breakfast, lunch, skills contests, and prizes, with a reception following a beautiful day out on the course.
This year, the MCIUEF celebrates its 21st year of providing camp and post-secondary scholarships for students with special needs, enriching classroom programs with technology support, and enabling student programs beyond school district budget capabilities. This includes more than $500,000 in grants and scholarships awarded over the last 20 years.

Events like these are important to the success of a community and its students, as it allows the MCIUEF to support programs that continue to attract nearly 7,000 students each year. SG would like to thank the dedicated members of the foundation for organizing this fun event.
Learn more about SCHRADERGROUP’s work with Montgomery County Intermediate Unit and other School Districts in the region here.
Learn more about the Montgomery County Intermediate Unit Education Foundation here.
SCHRADERGROUP Attends Delaware Valley Association of School Business Officials’ Annual Golf Outing!
SCHRADERGROUP (SG) recently attended the DVASBO Golf Outing at the Gilbertsville Golf Course on Friday, June 18th in Gilbertsville, PA. The Delaware Valley Association of School Business Officials (DVASBO) has held this outing for 31 consecutive years to help raise money for scholarships for Delaware Valley students.
DVASBO is the regional chapter of the Pennsylvania Association of School Business Officials (PASBO). For nearly five decades, DVASBO has been supporting school professionals in Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery counties. The organization currently has over 1,000 members and they are devoted to providing members with education, training, professional development and timely access to legislative and policy news.
SG Principal Tom Forsberg attended the event with the next generation of SCHRADERGROUP golfers, Project Managers and Associates Devin Bradbury and Dan D’Amico and Project Architect Jeremy Ross. It was a beautiful day for golf and the course was filled with great friends and colleagues!
SCHRADERGROUP was proud to be a tee sponsor for this long running event whose mission is to help develop and support school business operation leaders. The SG team would like to extend our sincere thanks to the dedicated members of DVASBO for organizing this event held for a great cause. We look forward to future events involving these great organizations!
To learn more about SCHRADERGRPOUP’s commitment to educational facilities, click here.
To learn more about the Delaware Valley Association of School Business Officials, click here.

SCHRADERGROUP Welcomes 2021 Summer Architectural Interns!
This year, SCHRADERGROUP (SG) is pleased to welcome two summer architectural interns, Leah Balderson and Dan Pawluczyk. We are very excited to have these enthusiastic young professionals join the SG family!
Leah Balderson
Undergraduate Student
Pennsylvania State University – Bachelor of Architecture
Leah will be a 5th year student at Pennsylvania State University and is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in architecture. She is an active member of AIAS (American Institute of Architecture Students) and is an architecture mentor for incoming first year architecture students. Leah is also on the Rules and Regulations Committee for THON.
Leah is very passionate about art and design. She has always had a love of drawing and painting, and in recent years has become very interested in graphic design. In her free time, she loves to snowboard and is a member of the PSU Snowboarding Club.
Looking to the future, Leah’s first goal is to become a licensed architect. She strives to design buildings that positively affect people’s daily lives. Leah’s thesis is focused on environmental psychology, the study of transactions between people and their physical settings, and she hopes to continue studying that over the course of her career.
“I hope for people to walk into a space that I designed and feel as though they are benefiting from the atmosphere I created.”
Dan Pawluczyk
Undergraduate Student
Pennsylvania State University – Bachelor of Architecture
Dan will be a 5th year architecture student at Pennsylvania State University. He is an active participant in THON, spending his first two years volunteering on hospitality committees. This past year, he danced virtually at THON with his fraternity, the top fundraising general organization for the fifth year in a row.
Dan’s favorite activities are those that he can do with family and friends. He enjoys golfing, snowboarding, basketball and hiking. Dan is looking forward to hitting the golf course with his SG coworkers this summer!
After spending multiple summers working at a construction company, Dan was propelled into the world of design production. His favorite part of architecture is the challenge of marrying the freedom of design with the practical realities of how something is built.
Looking to the future, Dan sees an open world of possibilities. He takes inspiration from documentaries and magazines dealing with design and architecture. His goal is to one day work on projects featured in Dezeen and ArchDaily.
“I think having the ability to shape your own career path and follow your interests is one of the most valuable aspects of architecture and design.”

As architects, we realize that the heart of our practice is its people, and we are always looking for ways to promote and foster emerging talent. At SG, we recognize the importance of an internship in the field of architecture and design and we offer hands-on experience as well as a mentorship component in order to create an environment that leads to understanding and success for all. The SG team looks forward to sharing our company culture and practice with our architectural interns and is excited to follow their journey this summer as they gain the experience necessary for future success.
Interested in working with us? Visit our Careers page to see what opportunities are available at SG here.
SCHRADERGROUP Attends Springfield Area Educational Foundation’s Annual Golf Tournament!
SCHRADERGROUP (SG) recently attended the Springfield Area Educational Foundation’s (SAEF) 13th Annual Golf Tournament hosted at the Rolling Green Golf Course in Springfield, PA on Monday, June 7th. The event, “Fore Our Students!” helped raise funds to continue support for Springfield students’ educational programs and activities. SG was proud to be a silver sponsor for the event, supporting an organization whose mission is to enrich the 3 A’s (academic, artistic, and athletic experiences) for all Springfield School District Students.
Bruce Bachtle and Dan D’Amico represented SG at the outing, which is SAEF’s largest annual fundraising event. SG was delighted to be a part of an event that will benefit the many meaningful and critical educational programs available for all SSD students.

As educational planners and architects, SG is honored to sponsor events that align with our mission of providing educational facilities that further enrich the learning experience. The success of these events and the continued support of the foundation provides the opportunity to introduce students to new sponsorships, programs, and innovations in education, furthering the purpose of the buildings we design.
The SG team would like to extend our sincere thanks to the dedicated members of SAEF for organizing this event held for a great cause.
To learn more about SCHRADERGROUP’s work with the Springfield School District, click here.
To learn more about the Springfield Area Educational Foundation, click here.